Healthy Holiday Chocolate Pudding Pie

OK, so calling a pie healthy miiiiiiight be kind of a stretch-but for a chocolate pie, this actually has some good things going on! Gluten free & predominantly dairy free (depends on your stance with ghee...), one of the main ingredients in the pudding is avocados. Avocados are great for giving the pie that pudding-y texture, but they're also loaded with all kinds of vitamins - like Vitamin K, Folate, Vitamin C, Vitamin E, Vitamin B5 & Vitamin B6.
"Pass the pie, please. I'm low on Vitamin K." :-)

It also calls for cacao powder (as opposed to cocoa powder), which is also loaded with health boosting properties. Cacao is full of minerals such as magnesium, potassium, calcium, iron, zinc, copper and manganese. It's also been shown to lower blood pressure, lower insulin resistance, reduce your risk of stroke, protect your nervous system, reduce your risk of cardiovascular disease and more!
Really, you'd be doing yourself a disservice by NOT eating the pie. ;-)

True to any pudding pie, if you cut into it the day you make it, you'll need a spoon and a bowl. (See above). :-) But by the next day it should firm up quite a bit and look more "pie-ish" when you cut into it. (I was impatient - we all wanted to eat it!)

In fact, some of us wanted to eat it so much we wouldn't wait for mom to get done taking pictures & dug right in. (I'm referring to the 4 year old pie lover that lives in this house, although I don't think his father was far behind him...).

So, if you're looking for a quick dessert to take to Thanksgiving this year and don't want something that's going to blow your healthy diet, consider this pie! It's sure to be as big of a hit at your table as it is at ours!

Healthy Holiday Chocolate Pudding Pie
For Crust:
1 Box gluten free graham crackers
1/4 C Ghee
For Pudding:
2 Avocados
2 2/3 TBSP Cacao Powder
1/4 C Almond Butter
1/4 C Maple Syrup
1/2 C Unsweetened Almond Milk
For Whipped Topping:
1 Can Coconut Milk - refrigerated 24 hours
To make the crust: Crush one box of gluten free graham crackers (I used Pamela's). Mix with 1/4 C. of melted ghee and press into a pie plate. (*Note: I stuck mine in the freezer a bit while I mixed up the pudding just to firm it up a little more).
To make the pudding: Put all pudding ingredients in a blender and mix well. Spoon into pie crust.
To make whipped topping: Scrape the coconut cream from the top of the can into a large mixing bowl. The cream should have separated from the coconut juice after being refrigerated. Whip the coconut cream with a mixer until fluffy - about 5-10 minutes. Spread on top of the pie and store in the refrigerator.

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